Nippon Recycle Center Corp.

Business Overview

Business Overview

Our company specializes in the recycling of rare metals, with a core focus on the metal reprocessing technology of used rechargeable batteries. We collect a wide range of used batteries, including Nickel-Cadmium batteries, Nickel-Metal Hydride batteries, Lithium-Ion batteries, industrial alkaline storage batteries, and scraps from their manufacturing processes. Through our recycling efforts, we extract rare metals, particularly nickel, which are abundant in these batteries.

As rechargeable batteries increasingly become key devices in maintaining today's societal infrastructure, we are dedicated to safely reprocessing them and reintroducing valuable metals back into society. By contributing to the development of a circular economy, we aim to foster a sustainable future.

Recycling Items

We do recycling on the following batteries:

Nickelā€Cadmium Battery

This battery utilizes nickel as the positive electrode and cadmium as the negative electrode. It was domestically mass-produced in the 1960s and played a pivotal role in popularizing rechargeable batteries in society. Even today, it continues to be used in various applications, such as power tools and emergency lights, leveraging its economic and durable characteristics.

Nickel-Metal Hydride Battery

This battery utilizes nickel as the positive electrode and a hydrogen-absorbing alloy as the negative electrode. Compared to Nickel-Cadmium batteries, it boasts a higher energy density and does not employ the hazardous substance cadmium. Due to these advantages, it has become widely popular as the next-generation battery after Nickel-Cadmium batteries. Even today, it finds extensive use in various applications, such as batteries for hybrid cars and electric-assist bicycles.

Lithium-ion Battery

This battery utilizes cobalt, nickel, manganese, and other materials for the positive electrode, and carbon for the negative electrode. Compared to Nickel-Metal Hydride batteries, it boasts even higher energy density and is a lighter battery. It is one of the latest advancements in rechargeable batteries and is widely used in various applications, including portable devices such as smartphones and laptops. Ongoing development continues to improve this battery technology.

Industrial Alkaline Storage Battery

This is a type of Nickel-Cadmium battery, where nickel is used as the positive electrode and cadmium as the negative electrode. Similar to other Nickel-Cadmium batteries, it possesses characteristics such as cost-effectiveness and durability. However, due to its large size, it is primarily utilized as an auxiliary power source for railways and as emergency power supply for buildings.

Production scraps of those batteries

The majority of batteries we collect are used in the following

Guide Light
RC Car
Fire Alarm
Digital Camera
Power Tools
Mobile Phone
Wireless Phone
Electric Assist Bicycle
Digital Audio Player
Hybrid Car